Technical Education Solutions
Guyline offers a range of high-quality solutions for engineering and technical education including: Diamond Quantum Computers, Physics, Chemical Engineering, Thermodynamics & Thermotechnics, Biomedical Engineering, Electronics, Process Control, Electricity, Energy, Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Mechatronics & Automations, Food & Water Technologies, Environmental Technologies, Customized Pilot Plants.

Diamond Quantum Computer
CIQTEK Diamond Quantum Computer for Education is a teaching instrument based on the diamond's spin magnetic resonance of the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center. By controlling basic physical quantities such as optics, electricity, and magnetism, it implements quantum manipulation and readout of NV center spins, which enables the demonstration of basic concepts of quantum computing, such as qubits, quantum gates, and quantum algorithms.
The instrument works at room temperature (no need for a cryogenic environment), making the operating cost almost zero. The desktop design makes it easy to adapt to classrooms, laboratories, and other settings for conducting quantum mechanics and quantum computing experimental courses.
To learn more contact us today:
phone: +852 2856 0606 or email: admin@guyline-asia.com

物理 - 科技和教育解决方案
Physics - Technical & Education Solutions
Traditionally, in the educational field, physical phenomena have been interpreted as scalar and vector magnitudes in two dimensions. A three-dimensional interpretation of phenomena under study helps to achieve a more faithful study of their real behavior. This interpretation is known as 3D physics or three-dimensional physics. By definition, in geometry, a three-dimensional interpretation of any object consists in locate that object with respect to a frame of reference with respect to a given origin. Extrapolating this application to physics, an object is considered to be defined in three dimensions when it is related to a Euclidean space, that is, it is contained in a minimal cuboid and each of the points that compose it can be located in that reference system.
To learn more contact us today:
phone: +852 2856 0606 or email: admin@guyline-asia.com

化学工程 - 科技与教育解决方案
Chemical Engineering - Technical & Education Solutions
Chemical engineering is the branch of process engineering that includes the processes in which physical, chemical and/or biochemical changes occur in materials, with the aim of transforming raw materials into useful and value-added products. This discipline covers the study, design, optimization, development and operation of the processes involved in these changes. In addition, it has many applications given its wide field of research and innovation, such as in the environment, in the design of new technologies and materials, etc.
To learn more contact us today:
phone: +852 2856 0606 or email: admin@guyline-asia.com

热力学与热工学 - 科技与教育解决方案
Thermodynamics & Thermotechnics - Technical & Education Solutions
Thermodynamics is the branch of physics responsible for the study of the interaction between heat, work and other manifestations of energy in systems in equilibrium. The thermodynamic principles explain the global behavior of macroscopic systems in equilibrium states.
To learn more contact us today:
phone: +852 2856 0606 or email: admin@guyline-asia.com

生物医学工程 - 科技与教育解决方案
Biomedical Engineering - Technical & Education Solutions
Biomedical Engineering studies the implementation of engineering knowledge in the field of biology and medicine. The combination of instrumentation and electronic control systems and the application of mathematical algorithms and physical and chemical principles allow Biomedical Engineering to investigate and develop new techniques and devices for the resolution of clinical problems. This discipline covers from the design of diagnostic elements and medical software tools to physiological analysis for the study of the heart or the nervous system.
To learn more contact us today:
phone: +852 2856 0606 or email: admin@guyline-asia.com

电子 - 科技和教育解决方案
Electronics - Technical & Education Solutions
Electronics is the branch of physics focused on the behavior of electrons. In engineering, electronics is the part that studies and develops electronic circuits so that the electrons circulating through them have the behavior required by the specifications of the application.
To learn more contact us today:
phone: +852 2856 0606 or email: admin@guyline-asia.com

过程控制 - 科技和教育解决方案
Process Control - Technical & Education Solutions
Equipment or processes that require maintaining some fixed parameter can easily be found in industry. The speed of a motor, the flow, level and temperature of a hydraulic circuit or the pressure of a compressed air system are a good example. The aim of process control engineering is the automation of these processes through the implementation of monitoring and control systems.
To learn more contact us today:
phone: +852 2856 0606 or email: admin@guyline-asia.com

电力 - 科技与教育解决方案
Electricity - Technical & Education Solutions
Electricity is a secondary energy source produced by the motion and interaction between positive and negative electric charges. The electrical power is obtained from primary energy sources, such as solar energy, hydropower, wind power, geothermal energy, biomass, oil, natural gas or coal. For the use of these energies power generation plants, such as hydroelectric power plants, wind power plants, photovoltaic power plants, nuclear power plants, combined cycle power plants, etc., are required.
To learn more contact us today:
phone: +852 2856 0606 or email: admin@guyline-asia.com

能源 - 科技与教育解决方案
Energy - Technical & Education Solutions
Energy is a natural resource extracted and transformed for a specific use in order to meet the services and goods production needs of the society. Regarding the primary energy sources, there are renewable energies and non-renewable energies.
To learn more contact us today:
phone: +852 2856 0606 or email: admin@guyline-asia.com

力学 - 科技与教育解决方案
Mechanics - Technical & Education Solutions
Mechanics is the scientific discipline that studies the physical phenomena that affect the elements of nature. Although it is called mechanics, it actually includes both classical and quantum mechanics, which are two of the fundamental pillars of modern physics.
To learn more contact us today:
phone: +852 2856 0606 or email: admin@guyline-asia.com

流体力学 - 科技与教育解决方案
Fluid Mechanics - Technical & Education Solutions
The branch of Fluid Mechanics studies the laws of the behavior of fluids at rest (fluid statics) or in motion (fluid dynamics) and their interaction processes with solid bodies. A fluid is considered to be a substance that can flow, in other words, move. Among them there are liquids (water, oil, alcohol, milk, sulfuric acid, gasoline) and gases (air, oxygen, nitrogen, helium, argon, methane, butane, natural gas).
To learn more contact us today:
phone: +852 2856 0606 or email: admin@guyline-asia.com

机电一体化与自动化 - 科技与教育解决方案
Mechatronics & Automations - Technical & Education Solutions
Mechatronics and Automation are the areas of engineering focused on the study and develop of machinery to implement autonomous and smart industrial processes through computer and electronic control. This machinery is designed to increase the control and productivity of an industrial process, in addition to facilitating work to the human being. The motion control of machinery and actuators, the real-time control of variables of a process and the PLC automation increase the agility and efficiency with regard to the production of a machine, and reduce all those actions that do not add value to the final product or prolong the processes.
To learn more contact us today:
phone: +852 2856 0606 or email: admin@guyline-asia.com

食品和水科技 - 科技和教育解决方案
Food & Water Technology - Technical & Education Solutions
Food Technology is a branch of Food Science based on multidisciplinary knowledge of nutrition, chemical analysis, physics, biochemistry and engineering. In addition, Food Technology aims to understand the nature of food and the phenomena associated with its spoilage, to develop processes for food production and improve the attributes of food to satisfy consumers. The food industry includes the following sectors: transformation or processing, preservation and manufacturing.
To learn more contact us today:
phone: +852 2856 0606 or email: admin@guyline-asia.com

环境 - 科技和教育解决方案
Environmental - Technical & Education Solutions
The environment is a system formed by physical, chemical and biological elements that interact and are modified by natural, social and cultural human factors. It is not only the space in which life develops, it also includes living beings, objects, water, soil, air and relations between them. It is the environment that determines the way of life of society.
To learn more contact us today:
phone: +852 2856 0606 or email: admin@guyline-asia.com

定制中试装置 - 科技与教育解决方案
Customized Pilot Plants - Technical & Education Solutions
Research and innovation with Pilot Plants involves the creation and operation of small-scale facilities for the development and analysis of industrial processes. These plants, known as Pilot Plant, play a fundamental role in evaluating the viability and efficiency of new processes and technologies before their implementation on a large scale in the industry.
To learn more contact us today:
phone: +852 2856 0606 or email: admin@guyline-asia.com
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